McGoldrick Horse Racing Syndicate Yorkshire

... shared racehorse ownership at its best ...

Blaster Yeats going the right way

blaster yeats

New picture of Blaster.

Hexham Friday 8th Nov.

With a 2-7 fav in the field of ten runners, it was obvious our chances of Blaster winning were slim.

So a decent run was what we wanted, and is what we got.

He hurdled well enough and stayed on pleasingly, which was probably why the first thing Danny Cook said after dismounting was…”he`s a 3 miler …definitely a 3 miler for the future.”

My post race thoughts reminded me of something the Trainer Jane Williams said to me at the time we purchased Romeo Brown from her, namely that Yeats progeny are either big strapping 3ml Chaser types, or smaller, more athletic hurdling sorts.

Blaster definitely falls into the latter type, as was obvious when he was walking round the parade ring….for now anyway.

He`s only 4yo ....still a baby really, and hes got some growing to do, but the risk anyone takes when buying a racehorse on breeding only, even at this embryonic stage of his career, appears to be  proving once again we have got a real bargain basement purchase with this horse, who, in time, will provide us guys with plenty of thrills and excitement in the months / years ahead….all being well !!

One more race for Blaster, after which he`ll be given a starting handicap mark, after which it will hopefully be onwards and upwards.




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