McGoldrick Horse Racing Syndicate Yorkshire

... shared racehorse ownership at its best ...

Goodbye Charlie Wingnut

becky the thatcher

Because of the prolonged absence through injury of our stalwart FILL THE POWER, Sue and Harvey agreed to lease one of their own horses Charlie Wingnut to McGoldrick Racings FTP members as a stop gap measure, in order to bridge the gap caused by his enforced absence.

Charlie raced three times in our colours before his season ended somewhat prematurely by a slight injury caused by a stone trap to his foot.

As a result, the agreement has now been terminated, and the horse will resume racing next season back in Sue`s colours.

Without exception, all members are now looking forward to the return to training of Fill the Power….assuming he is given the all clear to do so by the vet.

There will be mouthwatering options for him throughout the coming season, especially in Veteran Chases, and there is every chance this lightly raced 10 year old special racehorse of ours will return once again to do us all proud in  seasons ahead.

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Sincere apologies to all for the lack of information relating to our McGoldrick Racing horses, mainly due to yours truly being hospitalised…. but no need

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