McGoldrick Horse Racing Syndicate Yorkshire

... shared racehorse ownership at its best ...


The featured image above is a reminder of happier days at Micky Hammonds yard with Becky the Thatcher, now deceased, and Aiden Blakemore who, I`m delighted to report, is making good progress towards recovery after a serious illness and a lengthy stay in hospital.

Reluctantly, McGoldrick Racing has been compelled to wave the white flag with Mister McArthur, our horse in Mickys yard, after yet another reported injury needing  many weeks recovery time.

Micky has agreed to takeback ownership of Arthur, and will either give him a long break before trying again, or retire him, then find a home with someone within the Middleham racing community.

Best not to dwell on the many months we waited, and failed, to get a proper race into Arthur, with Micky sharing our frustration, but the latest injury was the last straw.

I thank members involved for sharing their patience and support over the last year, and I apologise to them that it had to end in this way.


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Sincere apologies to all for the lack of information relating to our McGoldrick Racing horses, mainly due to yours truly being hospitalised…. but no need

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