McGoldrick Horse Racing Syndicate Yorkshire

... shared racehorse ownership at its best ...


Carlisle Sunday 17th March 2019.

Well, whatever was amiss at Doncaster in Romeos previous race, when, as reported, he came back looking tired, exhausted looking as though he`d raced more like 4mls than 2ml, I`m now  happy for it to be filed away in the unsolved mysteries drawer and forgotten about.

Because at Carlisle on 17th March, in the Watch Racing on Racing TV Novices Hcp hurdle over 2ml 1f, on heavy going, any niggling doubts myself and members may have had after the Doncaster non event, went straight down the plug hole, as OUR Romeo gave us the performance of a gutsy fighter, as you can see for yourselves in the image below, as he  attacks, and dives at the final hurdle, makes a bit of a Carlisle cock of it, and lost ground to the Dorking Cock, who didn’t.

But its well known that Yeats progeny have toughness on their side, and boy did Romeo prove it, as, under a brilliant, patient ride from Sean Quinlan, Romeo responded to Seans urgings, and, from the last hurdle, battled his way up the hill, made up the ground lost at the final hurdle, and got his head in front  just in time,  to win going away by half a length.

Such an exciting climax to the race, produced wonderful celebrations from honourable members present from Newark, Mansfield, Sheffield, Bradford, and yours truly from Leeds, and even Phil Kirby, not long since back from Cheltenham, had a big smile on his face also.

This was only Romeos 3rd race in our McGoldrick Racing colours, and as his second race has already been written off,  understandably, members were delighted with such an early visit to the winners enclosure, AND decent prize money as well !!

Post race comments as well, by Trainer, Jockey, and Racing TV , such as “an outsider but this was no fluke”…..Hes still unfurnished, will win more races" " has more growing to do when hes turned out for the summer”  “much to look forward to”….and the little nugget from the member from Easingwold, unable to attend, but nevertheless convinced   “we`ve got yet another Saturday horse in the making here Richard”

Another comment emailed to me from someone I much respect, but will keep anonymous stated

“Regarding your recent requisition of ROMEO BROWN,  if that doesnt win a really BIG Handicap, I`ll pack my business in after 43 years.”

Great day out, Great result, happy enthusiastic members, especially our birthday lady member.

Feet firmly on the ground guys, but we can dream the dream cant we, and hope hes right.

Where we go from here, I dont know, but I would guess perhaps two more races before Romeo is turned out in one of Phils back to nature paddocks, where he`ll eat, grow big and fat under the summer skies for 10 weeks, ready to return bigger and stronger and lose the “unfurnished” comment from Timeform.


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