McGoldrick Horse Racing Syndicate Yorkshire

... shared racehorse ownership at its best ...

Delusionofgrandeur and Sean Quinlan magnificent in defeat in Rowland Meyrick Chase

I have to start by saying that after yesterdays Rowland Meyrick Chase, my emotions were so extremely raw, that part of me didn`t want to be the gentleman and sportsman in congratulating winning connections of the race.

Indeed it was like having an evil twin brother…in other words, the dark side of me, which comes to the surface at times like this,  and in suffering defeat, cannot appreciate that yesterday NH Racing was seen at its very best in the running of the 2017 Rowland Meyrick Chase in front of an enormous crowd at Wetherby.

Instead he wants to be the bad tempered, grumpy old sod who dwells on the “if only” or “what might have been” scenarios……..the bad loser that nobody has time for.

However, after a strict telling off from the wife, plus a good nights sleep induced by a couple of large whiskeys, the evil twin brother syndrome has now gone, and for me its back to the season of good will to all men, including Dan Skelton !!!

The Rowland Meyrick was a superb example of NH Racing at its very best, and Delusionofgrandeur was very much a major player in a race in which the outcome was not decided until the very last strides.

In those very last strides we had  Delusionfgrandeur  in front, only for him to be nutted by another of Danny Cooks power packed four day ban finishes on Wakanda, before Get on the Yager, no doubt specially laid out for this race by the canny Skeltons, and thus  carrying a well manouvered weight of 10st 7lb ,  made the most of his all important weight advantage, to get up on the line to win by a neck and a head in what was a truly amazing finish.

Full credit to our fella, because despite my doubts about the stiff Wetherby fences,  with Sean Quinlan on board, DoG jumped superbly throughout and ran an absolute blinder…. reminiscent indeed of the good old Mister McGoldrick days.

After sitting and watching the race 3 / 4 times….probably more !! …the class he showed racing from the front, wearing his heart on his sleeve, it became progressively  more impressive to watch.

And to think he`s not quite an 8yo yet, its not difficult to feel an air of excitement about just what he may be capable of doing…all in good time.

Some comments received so far  …”he gave you a great run…brave horse deserved better”

“Ran a cracker Richard, thought he was going to do it, but 3rd, beaten less than a length was still a great effort”

“He ran a superb race… Quinlan was magnificent”

“That was pure quality, you McGoldrick Racing guys must be over the moon”

And finally…how about this one to contemplate from a well respected racing friend…”ran great race Richard, jumped the best I`ve seen him…got to have a Grand National entry after that”

Now there`s a thought !!!





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